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NWWT scores big insurance policy for drivers
by Andrew Kunas
MAY 4, 2009 --- As they promised, the NorthWest Wingless Tour went to bat for its membership. After weeks of investigating various insurance companies and policies, the NWWT announced it has secured a Motorsports Participants Coverage Plan for 2009.
Under the new plan, everyone in a registered NWWT team including drivers, car owners, crew members and family members will not only receive coverage for an incident at the race track, but will also be covered during their entire trip. From the time they leave their home or shop to the time they return from the track, they are covered by the NWWT’s Motorsports Participants Coverage Plan for 2009.
Those with questions can contact Ron Brown at Competition Motorsports LLC at (503) 281-1579.
The next event for the NorthWest Wingless Tour in its inaugural season is Saturday, May 23rd at Cottage Grove Speedway in Cottage Grove, Ore. Kyler Barraza won the inaugural NWWT sprint car event on April 25th. On May 23rd, the NWWT midgets will make their season debut.
More information on the NorthWest Wingless Tour can be found online at
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Upcoming events
May 23 - Cottage Grove Speedway - Cottage Grove, OR
June 5 - Willamette Speedway - Lebanon, OR (Summer Shootout - Part 1)
June 6 - Cottage Grove Speedway - Cottage Grove, OR (Summer Shootout - Part 2)
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NWWT: The NorthWest Wingless Tour
