Release |

(MARCH 4, 2008, PERRIS, CA)
This Saturday, March 8th, when Temecula Valley Pipe & Supply presents the
USAC/CRA Sprint Cars and the California Lightning Sprint Cars at Perris Auto
Speedway, it will be the first promo night of the year as the track presents
1950s Night at The PAS. Any fan born in the 1950s can show their ID at the
ticket window and get in for just $5.00. Spectator gates will open at 5:00 PM
with racing at 7:00.
A complete list of all the promotion nights is at the end of this release.
1950s Night, which will also feature a lot of 1950s music mixed in on the
track’s 60,000 watt digital sound system, will only be the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to promotions at the track in 2008. “Like always we will have a
lot of special nights for the fans,” track promoter Don Kazarian recently
stated. “These days you have to have them as there is so much else for people
to do. People do not even have to leave their house to be entertained anymore
and when NASCAR is on television, it has a devastating affect. You have to
entertain the fans while they are here and give them an extra reason to come to
the races. The races alone are not enough to draw in the average race fan to
every race. You have to spice things up and make it fun.”
The PAS has had a reputation for having great promotions in its 12 previous
seasons of operation and 2008 will be no different. “We have some promotions,
like “Skirt Night” and “Bald Night” that have become so popular that
they are iron clad annuals. A handful have not been popular and have been
dropped,” said the longtime promoter.
The PAS has come up with a couple of brand new interesting ones for the 2008
campaign. Sumo Wrestling Night will be on June 7th while Dog Night is
tentatively scheduled for August 23rd. The Sumo Night has an interesting –
perhaps never heard of before - twist. Two drivers will put on Sumo Wrestling
suits (the inflatables) and battle on the front straight. Then, at intermission,
the winner will fight it out with promoter Kazarian! How many promoters are
crazy enough to even consider this?
“My staff is picking the drivers who are going wrestle with one of them
meeting me for the track championship at intermission. I am sure they are
looking for guys who know how to fight,” Kazarian said with a laugh.
Dog night will be roughly designed after the Dog Nights you see at Baseball
games. While all the specifics have not been worked out, fans that bring their
dog will probably receive a discount on their ticket price that night. There
will be a special section for the fans with dogs and there will be separate
restroom facilities for male and female dogs. Of course dog biscuits will be
available at the concession stands.
“We will be having a parade of the dogs or ugly dog contest as well. Rules
will be simple on the night. No man eaters, no dogs who like to fight other dogs
and most importantly, no leg humpers,” Kazarian said with a grin. “Obviously
dogs that do not like loud noises should be left at home, too.”
Over the past few seasons Skirt Night has become the tracks most popular
promotion. Anyone, male or female, who wears a skirt or dress, gets in for $5.00
and gets $1.00 hot dogs and $2.00 beers. When the track first did this promotion
a few years ago, about 10 men showed up in skirts or dresses. Last year there
were over 100! At intermission on Skirt Night, all of the men wearing a skirt or
a dress line up, the crowd votes for their favorite and the winner gets some
prizes and is trophy girl for the night.
“A couple years ago on Skirt Night, a huge thunderstorm blew into the track
around 4:30 PM. We had lightning, thunder, heavy rain and wind until about 6:00
PM. We thought we were going to have a dismal crowd as it was raining hard
everywhere within 50 miles, but once it cleared, a huge crowd showed up,” said
the promoter. “At intermission when we had the contest and some guy who was
about 6’7” and 375 pounds wearing a purple moo-moo easily won the contest.
Damion Gardner won the main event and the guy tried to give him a kiss. I laugh
every time I watch the video and see the look on Damion’s face. It was a great
night and everyone had fun.”
Advance tickets for Saturday’s show are available now by calling (800)
595-4849 or (951) 940-0134. You can also order tickets on the Internet at or
Anyone wishing more information could contact Perris Auto Speedway at (951)
Perris Auto Speedway is located on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds, home of the
Southern California Fair. The track is approximately one hour east of Los
Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215
freeway, exit at the Ramona Expressway and go two miles east to the fairgrounds. is the only authorized Internet address to issue official
media news released from The Perris Auto Speedway or Oval Entertainment
March 8th – 1950s Night – All fans born in the 1950s get in for $5.00
April 12th – 1930s & 40s Night – All fans born in the 1930s and 40s get
in for $5.00
April 19th – Free Bicycle Giveaway
April 26th – Power of the Purple Night – First 200 fans receive a free water
bottle courtesy of the American Cancer Society
May 3rd – Power of the Purple Night – First 200 fans receive a pair of
thunder sticks courtesy of the American Cancer Society
May 10th – Power of the Purple Night – First 200 fans receive a Relay for
Life foam hand courtesy of the American Cancer Society
May 17th – Bald Night – Anyone who is completely bald gets in free. Power of
the Purple Night - Any adult wearing a purple shirt will get a $4.00 discount on
their ticket.
May 24th – Power of the Purple Night Finale – Any adult wearing a purple
shirt gets a $6.00 discount on their ticket
June 7th – Sumo Wrestling Night & Kids Month – All kids 12 and under get
in free when accompanied by an adult
June 14th - Kids Month – All kids 12 and under get in free when accompanied by
an adult. So Cal Ride, Rock and Race Fest
June 21st - Kids Month – All kids 12 and under get in free when accompanied by
an adult
June 28th - Kids Month – All kids 12 and under get in free when accompanied by
an adult – Free Bike Giveaway – Recycling Day courtesy of Riverside County
Waste Management
July 4th – Race Festival and Fireworks Sky Concert
July 12th – Jet Car Meltdown
July 19th – 1960s Night – All fans born in the 1960s get in for $5.00
August 9th – Skirt Night – Any fan, male or female, wearing a skirt gets in
for $5.00 and gets $1.00 hot dogs and $2.00 beer
August 23rd – Hot August 70s Night & Dog Night – Anyone born in the
1970s gets in for $5.00
September 6th – Tattoo Night – Anyone with a tattoo gets in for $5.00
September 13th – Back to School Night – Anyone with a valid school id gets
in for free
September 27th – Fan Appreciation Night
October 18th – Legends of Ascot & Canned Food Drive
October 25th – Canned Food Drive
November 22nd – Toy Drive
November 29th – Toy Drive
