April 25, 2006...The
CASA/USAC “Best in the West” Series welcomes both Kaeding Performance and
MPD Racing Products to the fold for the 2006 racing season.
Kaeding Performance’s efforts, MPD Racing will both issue $50 gift
certificates at each event to a top-5 finisher displaying MPD decals on both
side of their car. Kaeding’s will also support the series with a $50
certificate of their own to cars displaying their decals as well.
President/CEO Scott Clough said, “Kaeding’s has always been one the bigger
players in our industry and MPD makes many of the finest components in use
today. Their involvement helps all our competitors and lends tremendous
credibility to our club and this new series with USAC.”
drawing at the drivers meeting will determine which top-5 finisher is eligible
for the events certificates. For more information on Kaeding Performance, visit:
www.kaedings.com and for information
regarding MPD Racing Products, visit: www.mpdracing.com